The Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program (HVRP) is an employment focused competitive grant program of the Department of Labor. Initially authorized in 1987 under Section 738 of Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance, its companion programs are currently authorized under Title 38 U.S.C. Sections 2021, 2021A and 2023.
Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists (DVOP) provide individualized career services to a targeted population of veterans and eligible persons who have been identified as having significant barriers to employment (SBE), and who are economically or educationally disadvantaged to compete in today’s labor market. DVOPs can assist veterans/eligible persons overcome barriers to employment, coordinate community resources, and gain access to education and job training opportunities that will give you a competitive advantage.
Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) conducts outreach to employers to promote the advantages of hiring veterans. LVER staff also plan and participate in job fairs, conduct job clubs, and coordinate with apprenticeship and internship programs, business organizations, and unions in promoting and advocating the benefits of training programs for veterans.